For several days rumors circulating on the net is not positive about online poker or betteron the American situation at the legal level, according to the entries based, online poker in the U.S. will remain illegal until 2013.

If the news is officially confirmed, players will no longer play online poker at least until it is officially legalized, therefore, potential investors will have to freeze their accounts. An uglyrow to hoe as they say.

Despite this bad news it seems that many companies have already applied to the famousbody AAMS for new licenses, now the question arises, why are still distributed licensesdespite these types of problems have arisen? The information provided in this article for now is just speculation, we invite you to take it with pliers especially if you are American consumers waiting for a confirmation or denial from the U.S. government.

For now this situation is only for poker, other games is ok for who have got AAMS licenses in own casinò, so own tips is that to play only in this type of casinò, the AAMS licenses is important not only for the casinò else for you because if you play in this type of casinò, your privacy, money and much more is in safe. You dont risk to lose all of your money or to pay tax because you play with AAMS license.
Poker Online that was legalized time ago, now is in trouble because risk to be illegal untile 2013,we invite you to drop comments with your personal account on this story, what do you think about the legalization of poker? What criteria should be adopted? What limits? And why?We look forward to hearing your opinions.
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