It took 15 years to bring to Pennsylvania slot machines, table games while you still have to wait. And last year, Massachusetts has approved up to three destination casino after a decades-long debate, while the Florida legislature discussed the departure of gambling in 2011.
The projects have stalled on February 3, when a committee has postponed the vote on the controversial bill that sought to add three luxury casino resorts in South Florida. The committee has no meetings scheduled between now and March 9, at the end of the legislative session. However, the leader of the Senate plans to move forward on the version of the bill.
But what are the chances of being passed? “It is not likely this year, but very good for the next five years,” says analyst Andrew gambling Zarnett of Deutsche Bank AG. “You have neighbors with the game, so people will self-shopping for a casino. The thought is: ‘Why did not you, too?’ and there is a desperate need for deficit financing in various countries ”
Associated Industries of Florida, who supports casino resorts and the jobs it would create the opinion that, urged the State Senate to move forward on their bill. It remains possible that the problem could end up on the Florida ballot in November as a referendum.